Gado - Gado

Gado - gado also known as Lotek is an Indonesia salad of slightly boiled, blanched or steamed vegetables, and of course the main and special ingredients is the peanut souce. You can also add another ingredients such as:
- eggs
- fried tofu
- potato
- lontong


Well we can only compare gado - gado with salad beacuse they are both considered as the same thing.
But salad have more variants than gado - gado.
There are:
- caesar salad
- green salad
- cobb salad
- bound salad

Indonesian Meatballs

Well indonesian meatballs is the one you can found easily wherever and whenever in Indonesia. 
Indonesian meatballs are a little bit different they usually made from a flour and a mix of little chopped meat, and indonesian meatballs usually put in the tradisonal food called Bakso.

Foreigners Meatballs

Their meatballs are different from Indonesian meatballs, because they are one hundred percent made from a grounded chopped meat and without using any flour.
And they are usually combine with tomato souce, or put it together in pasta.


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